Business and planetary boundaries: which models for tomorrow?

Fabrice Bonnifet
Director of Sustainable Development and QSE,
Bouygues Group

Faced with the climate emergency, businesses have no choice other than to fundamentally reinvent their economic models. An imperative that Fabrice Bonnifet makes evident in this interview, and that lies at the origin of his thinking about the model of the contributive company. According to this idea, the myth of simply greening our linear economy is a sham. We must instead promote an economy of functionality, so that businesses can make their activities compatible with planetary boundaries.

A range of levers are suggested in order to meet this goal: encouraging adaptation to the climate emergency, adopting a statement of purpose, and a new accounting model to protect natural capital. Fabrice Bonnifet believes that younger generations also have a key role to play in companies, helping to kick-start change and alter mindsets and business models.