June 27, 2011
Maison de la Chimie - Paris
Poverty and the environment
The 1992 Rio Conference was pivotal in reconciling development and environmental preservation objectives by establishing the foundations of the multilateral framework that was to organize international discussions. The following decade was marked by two major developments:
- In the environmental sphere, the stepping up of international negotiations on climate change;
- In the development aid sphere, the focus on the objective of fighting poverty.
The desire to cut greenhouse gas emissions led to giving priority to emerging countries and the energy sector; in the development aid sphere, priority was given to the least developed countries, major pandemics, and basic services.
► Plenary session 1 : Poverty eradication and climate change
David BRESCH, Head Sustainability and Political Risk Management, Swiss Re

Sylvie LEMMET, Director, DTIE, UNEP

Hui XU, Director General, International Poverty Reduction Center in China

Laurence TUBIANA, Founder, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)

Speakers' contributions - Plenary session 1
► Thematic session 1.1 : Anticipating and adapting to climate change
Rui BRITO, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, University Eduardo Mondlane, (Mozambique)

Lisa SCHIPPER, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute

Youba SOKONA, Coordinator, African Climate Policy Centre

► Thematic session 1.2 : Rural poverty, soil degradation and climate change
Marc DUFUMIER, Professor of Compared Agriculture and Farming Development, AgroParisTech

Amir KASSAM, Senior adviser in sustainable intensification with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Mr. RAKOTONDRAMANANA, Executive Director, Groupement Semis Direct Madagascar (GSDM)

Jean-François RICHARD, Agricultural engineer

► Thematic session 1.3 : Poverty and clean energy
Christian de GROMARD, Energy Project Manager, Agence Française de Développement

Harish HANDE, Managing Director, Selco India

Oumarou AMADOU, Coordinator, Gesforcom

Abdessamad SADDOUQ, Director for Participations and Partnerships, National Office for Electricity of Morocco

Speakers' contributions - Thematic sessions 1