Signify: circular lighting to protect value

La rénovation de l’éclairage permet de mieux éclairer mais de baisser les consommation d’énergie de 50 % à 90 % - ©Signify

François Darsy
Head of Office & Industry Marketing, Signify France


Light has impacts that are environmental, economic, social and cultural. Our aim is develop solutions that align with actions worldwide to protect the climate and promote the circular economy, health, well-being, safety and security.

Lighting currently accounts for 14% of electricity use around the world, making it an issue of major concern. Designed with and for users, our products, systems and services contribute to boosting the environmental performance of buildings. LED lighting, which uses less electricity, can deliver energy savings of 50% to 90% compared to conventional lighting technologies.

To guarantee long-term performance in use, we now offer a circular lighting service where clients purchase lighting services for their premises rather than lamps and fittings. This focus on use over ownership delivers warranted performance in terms of lux output, electricity use, and availability. At the end of a contract, Signify is responsible for recovering products for reuse, reconditioning and recycling.