► Measuring Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Challenge of Comparability
Abstract: The paper aims to shed light on the methodological challenges of GHG monitoring at local level and to give an overview on current practices. Questions addressed are as follows: How do the methodologies which underlie different GHG inventory tools differ? What are the critical variables explaining differences between inventories? Can different GHG inventory tools be compatible— and/or interoperable— and under which conditions?
Keywords: cities, climate change, inventory, mitigation, standard
Thematic: Climate change

► Climate Change and Urban Planning in Southeast Asia
Abstract: Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest growing regions in terms of population and urban growth. Scientific assessment indicates that the coastlines of Southeast Asia are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Climate change challenge is real and urgent in Southeast Asia. This paper presents a desktop review of the state of climate change research and policy in Southeast Asia. It identifies important challenges, knowledge gaps as well as promising practices, with specific focus on urban planning interventions that will be relevant for future urban policy and research priorities in Southeast Asian cities.
Keywords: climate change research and policy, Southeast Asia, urban planning
Thematic: Climate change

► Urban Transport Energy Consumption: Determinants and Strategies for its Reduction
Abstract: The following article is an analysis of urban sustainability with reference to the threat of climate change. We will be focusing on urban transport energy consumption since this is the greatest challenge and an area in which policies adopted in the near future will have a crucial impact on long term energy consumption.
Keywords: city, energy use, infrastructure, smart city., transport policy, urban growth, urban planning, Urban transport
Thematic: Climate change

► Cities are at the center of our environmental future
Thematic: Cities and urban services
> Read the article

► China’s Urban Energy Challenge
Abstract: China’s urbanization trends will exacerbate existing energy challenges across the country. To help manage this situation, the 11th Five Year Plan seeks to reduce the country’s energy intensity by 20% by 2010. Responsibility for achieving this goal falls on the shoulders of both public and private sector officials, with the mayors of Chinese cities holding key energy policy planning and implementation powers.
Keywords: China, energy policy, planning, urban
Thematic: Climate change