To promote its publications and to continue to fuel and enrich discussions, the Veolia Institute organizes conference-debates.
These events are open to all and take place either at Veolia's head office or in a Parisian venue, notably in partnership with the SOS Group's social innovation platform "Mouvement UP". Always with the same objective: knowledge sharing.

Conference-debate on Health and the Environment
Wednesday 29 January 2025- Face-to-face and online conference

Conference-debate: "Innovation for ecological transformation"
Monday 4 December 2023, 10:00-12:00 - Face-to-face and online conference
Conference-debate: "The social and economic challenges of ecological transformation"
Wednesday 30 November 2022, 10:00-12:00 - Face-to-face and online conference
Conference-debate: "Industry and waste: toward the circular economy"
Tuesday, November 23, 10am-12pm CET - Face-to-face and online conference
Webinar : "Innovating for essential services in Africa"
Friday, February 12, 2021, 10:00-11:30 a.m. CET - Webinar
Webinar: "Viruses, pollutants and air quality: how to manage the risks?"
Tuesday, June 30, 6-7pm - Live Facebook and Zoom
Conference-debate: "Indoor air quality: tackling the challenges of the invisible"
Friday, March 6th, 2020 - Veolia Headquarters, Aubervilliers, France
Conference-debate : "Urban Agriculture: When Cities Cultivate Resilience"
With Up Conferences
Tuesday 20 November 2019 - Pan Piper, 2-4 impasse Lamier, 75011 Paris
Conference-debate : "Urban agriculture: another way to feed cities"
October, 1st, 2019
Veolia Headquarters, Aubervilliers
Urban agriculture: another way to feed cities

Conference-debate "How to make plastic circular?"
8th april 2019
Paris, France

Conference-debate "Reinventing Plastics"
March, 21th 2019
Veolia headquarters, Aubervilliers, France

Conference-debate "Resilient Cities"
December 18, 2018
Aubervilliers, France

Conference-debate " Artificial Intelligence and Robotics"
27th February 2018
Aubervilliers, France

Conference-debate "Smart cities"
19th December 2017
Aubervilliers, France

Colloquium "Resilient cities and regions"
19th-26th of September 2017
Cerisy-La-Salle, France
Climate Change, Cities, Resilience
> Learn more about the Colloquium (in French).

COP 22 in Marrakesh: Side event on methane
16th of November 2016
Marrakesh - COP 22
Actions on Climate Change, Energy

COP 22 in Marrakesh: Side event on decentralized electrification and development
10th of November 2016
Marrakesh - COP 22
Access to energy and development
Conference-debate on "Decentralised electrification and development" - FACTS Reports
7th October, 2016
Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris I)
Actions on Climate Change, Energy

Conference-debate on "The environmental and social acceptability" - FACTS Reports
July 12, 2016
Veolia Headquarters, Paris, 75116
Governance and social dialogue

COP 21 : 2 side-events
December 8, 2015
Le Bourget, France
Climate change

With Olivier Godard: Environmental economics and sustainable development – Ethics, justice and the marketplace: application to greenhouse gases and biodiversity
Thursday, October 22, 2015, from 8:30 to 10:30 am
Veolia, 48 avenue Kléber, 75016 Paris, France
Environmental economics

Facts Seminar - Last-mile delivery and the informal sector
December 10, 2014
Veolia, 48 avenue Kléber, 75016 Paris, France
Poverty and access to basic services

Facts Seminar - Haiti: memories of development
September 19, 2014
Veolia, 48 avenue Kléber, 75016 Paris
Social and governance issues

Workshop - Participation in the Entretiens du Grand Paris – 3rd edition
October 11, 2012
Cities and urban services

Rio+20 : 2 side-events
June 18, 2012
Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Poverty and access to basic services
3 post-conference workshops - Beijing 2010
March 13, July 3 and October 16, 2010
Peking University, Beijing, China
Poverty, environment and urban services